NOTE : Make sure that you have read the previous tutorial.

In case if you didn't... click here for opengl basics

Lesson 1 : 001_Image.rar
This tutorial shows how to display an image in the window

Lesson 2 : 002_RGB.rar
This tutorial shows how to manipulate the RGB channels of an image

Lesson 3 : 003_Triangle.rar
This tutorial shows how to create a triangle.

Triangles are like bricks.
Bricks can be used to create beautiful constructions.
In the same way, triangles can be used to create beautiful structures.

Lesson 4 : 004_Home.rar
This tutorial shows how to create small images with the help of triangles

Lesson 5 : 005_Texture.rar
This tutorial shows how to display an image using textures.

Lesson 6 : 006_MovingImages.rar
This tutorial shows how to move the textures in the window

Lesson 7 : 007_Depth.rar
This tutorial gives a basic introduction about depth and the 3rd axis

Lesson 8 : 008_Transparency.rar
This tutorial show how to use transparent images

Lesson 9 : 009_RotatingImages.rar
This tutorial shows how to rotate the images around the origin.

Lesson 10 : 010_RotateAt.rar
This tutorial shows how to rotate the images at some arbitrary point.

Lesson 11 : 011_RevolveAround.rar
This tutorial shows how to make an image orbit around any point.

Lesson 12 : 012_CurveEditor.rar
This sample shows the basic math behind the creation and editing of curves.
And as usual, my regular disclaimer applies.. this just explains the background things.
This is not the best way to create a curve.

Lesson 13 : 013_FireWorks.rar
This was my attempt to celebrate Deepaawali (some people call it Diwali).
This was not intended to be a tutorial... But.. since this is simple...
I thought of uploading it here.

Lesson 14 : 014_CurvedSurface.rar
This sample shows the basic math behind the creation and editing of curved surfaces.
And as usual, my regular disclaimer applies.. this just explains the background things.
This is not the best way to create a curved surface.
And also... this is just a demo. This is not a tutorial.
Sometime soon, I'll comeup with the tutorial for the math behind this demo.

Now, you are reasonably equipped with enough information to create a game.
Based on whatever is covered so far, a game "ASTEROIDS" is created.
The source code for this game is avaiable here.

Coming up next :

Rotation in 3D
many more....